Killing people is a sin in our society both by
religion and law. There is a special type of killers called psycho-killers.
They kill not for money, not for some personal issues instead they kill because
they have no control over their aggression, anxiety, frustration and
depression. Some psycho-killers are mentally ill or may be their mind works
above average persons and they kill in different, distinct and brutal manners
to prove their brilliance when they get no other way to prove it which is also
a mental disorder. Someone like Jack-the ripper who killed 4 women just to
prove people that he is best surgeon ever and his knowledge of anatomy is
endless. He is the most brutal killer ever as you can see in the picture
Psycho-killers appear
to be normal persons living among us. The difference between psycho and serial
killers is just that serial killers kill due to some specific reason while
psycho killer kills due to his psychotic problems. So who knows who is psycho
maybe person you love the most and going to marry is psycho and he loves to
kill newly married women or maybe the man writing this article is psychotic. So
beware of them and try to judge people’s mental state and if you find anyone
psycho you should admit him/her in mental asylum for treatment. Some quotes
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