I am going to tell you about a very amazing day of my life, which I spent at my home city at the end of this August. It is very difficult to tell that whether that experience was good for me or bad.
It was not a picnic, it was not a tour but it was a day when I watched my city in rain. I went to my cousin’s home at about 3 pm. Before I get back tomy home it was raining by cats and dogs. I waited a lot for letting the rain to be stopped but that was not my day in fact. A little story is in the background which was moving in my mind all that day. I had lost my best friendBilal about a week ago for some reason. Bilal is my friend since I was in 5th class. So, suddenly loosing Bilal was damaging for me.

As the most of the people do, I do like rain pretty much. And this is the nature of human that whenever you are in rain you always remember your beloved ones. Same case was mine, as the rain was getting heavier my feelings were getting deeper, in fact I was missing my friend a lot.
While getting out of my home I did not tell my Mom that I am going to my cousin. And the next day I have to go to Lahore for my Interview. So, Mom was worried about me, she called me and I told her that I will come after the rain stops. Suddenly the rain gets a little lighter I felt thatits the time for me because that was the only holiday I could live with my family. I took the bike out, met my aunt who was not allowing me to get out of there.

I started the bike which took a little longer time to start due to cold weather. Everyone was praying for me my aunt, uncle, my cousins as I was going to jihad. After a little time suddenly rain was at its height. As I crossed the first street the water was up to my knees and my brand new shoes were damaged by the water. That was the 1st time I ever criticise the poor management of the government.
I saw a man who was going in street, having an umbrella. I remember the moment when I and Umair were walking in our street in the heavy rain and we were fighting for umbrella. I wished that time would come back in my life. For a moment I forgot the rain and went to my past because I was in a complex mental process in which my thoughts were interrupted suddenly by new situation which was supplemented further by a number of organic sensations. I was weeping but no one was able to watch my tears.

Anyway, after a lot of hard work I extracted my bike from that street and got to the main road. The condition of the main road was more bad than street. Suddenly bike stopped because the water was up to engine’s height and then I had to pull the bike till my home. My clothes were wet, phone was off, and 200 rupees in my pocket were also spoiled which were given me by Daddy for petrol two days ago. So, I was a bit worried about that and was having subjective feelings of uneasiness that were steaming from the anticipation of danger of my daddy. This all was a result of a conflict between me and environment.

I wanted to be emotional and think about my friend but problems after problems were not allowing me to do this because demands placed on my body exceed my ability to manage them successfully.
I reached home at about 9 pm, changed clothes and as advised by Mom I didn’t tell Daddy anything about that. I always enjoyed the rain but I did it most on that day. After all I still love rain because it remembers me my beloved ones. Now I remember those moments and smile a lot. Now  i,m confused to  decide whether that day was good for me or bad.

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