forest is known as the Sea of Trees, lies just below Mount Fuji.
The vegetation grows out of volcanic rock, and the area is the site of several
icy caverns, which are popular tourist destinations.
Yet sadly, Aokigahara is
known less for its beautiful trees than it is for death. The forest is the
second most popular place on Earth for suicides, committed in the forest have
permeated Aokigahara’s trees, generating paranormal activity and preventing
many who enter from after the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. According to
website Atlas Obscura, “Japanese spiritualists believe that the
suicides escaping the forest’s depths.”
Hoia Baciu, Romania
dense forest is located in Romania’s Ardeal region. Visitors to the strange
woodland have reported getting inexplicable rashes, feeling nauseous and dizzy,
and even vomiting and sustaining burns. Others have seen UFOs, heard voices and
footsteps, and experienced shifts in time. Perhaps the most fascinating theory surrounding Hoia Baciu is
this: the entire area has been described as “a gateway to another dimension” by
sites like
Isla de las Munecas, Mexico
The trees of this island near
Mexico City are strung with hundreds of dolls too creepy, horror movie style
effect. The island’s only inhabitant, Don Julian Santana, discovered the body
of a girl in one of its canals more than 50 years ago. He found a doll floating
in the same water and in tribute, hung it on a tree the first of thousands of
dolls he would string up until 2001, when he drowned in the same canal. Some
believe the dolls, many of which are missing limbs, are evil; others believe
they safeguard the island.
Black Forest, Germany
The Girmm Brothers set many
of their fairy tales in this bewitching landscape along the Rhine River in
south-western Germany, which looks just as you would imagine so densely
forested wit fir and pine that sunlight rarely pierces through. IT makes an
ideal playground for mythological creatures like sorcerers werewolves, witches
and kind hearted dwarves.
Devil’s Tramping Ground,
North Carolina
Deep in the woods ear
Harper’s crossroads, about 10 miles east of Siler City, there’s a mysterious 40
foot ring where the devil stomps in circles each night, plotting how to bring
about the downfall of mankind or so the story goes. Even the North Carolina
State Department of Agriculture has supposedly taken samples of the soil and
has yet to come up with an explanation for why the patch is devoid of growth.