It is an often quoted proverb which includes two actions, the action of “speech” and the action of ‘thought’. Thinking refers to pondering, deliberation, contemplation and philosophy while the action of speaking implies to practice, deed and leaping. Thus, the title given implies the importance of thought over actions and thoughtful actions. Nothing should be done rashly and thoughtlessly in an impulsive way. Deliberation should precede the action. There is no action without contemplation and vice versa.

          Actionless contemplation and uncontemplated action, both are dangerous. Both are the actions of over-caution and rashness, the former is less dangerous. One is the evil of omission and the other of commission, one produces inaction but the other leads to destruction. If we care to know the history of great deeds done and dared, we come to know that at the root of them, there lies a close observation, a cool calculation of pros and cons of actions and a foresight. These combined with perseverance and energy lead men to success. Prudence in life is a great thing. The words of speech exercise great power over man as Hazrat Ali(R.A) said:
“The words are slave of man; when they
 are spoken, man is slave to them.”
          Allah commands us to say best words, words that are true, words that do not hurt other’s feelings and words that are according to the level of understanding of the listeners. The value ‘Think Before You Speak” is highlighted in various sayings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH):
                               “The guarantee of tongue is the guarantee
                                 of paradise.”
                               “Whoever believes in Allah or the last day
                                should speak good words or remain silent.”
          In our everyday experiences, we find innumerable instances of pious purpose wrecked on the rock of thoughtlessness and indiscretion. It is better to deliberate than to repent. Thinking before speaking makes us wise and it comes with the passage of time as said by Hazrat Ali (R.A):
                                “When man is wise; his conversation is
          It is an open fact that man is buried under his tongue. Abraham Lincoln has rightly remarked that it is better to keep one’s mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open the mouth to remove all the doubts.
          The philosophy of thoughtfulness before speech saves us from troubles, disrespect, lament, and un-reliability. Speech is basic to communication and it must be well-timed and contemplated otherwise it will create problems for us because the spoken words do not come back as a poet says:
                             “The words from the mouth produced,
                               Are the arrows from bows  shot.”
          Thoughtless speech brings many troubles to us as we may hurt someone thoughtlessly. The hurt one feels the scars of speech throughout his life as it is said:
                             “The wounds of the sword heal but not
                               of tongue.”
          Thoughtless speech results in humiliation and sometimes in great trouble. The people hate the thoughtless speakers and do not pay heed to them as Imam Shafi said:
                             “If the foolish one speaks, don’t reply to
                              him, for better than response is silence,
                              if you speak, you have aided him.”
          There are various mythological and fictional stories bearing out the importance of this moral. The story of “Jester and King” verifies this moral. A jester used to please the king by telling him stories. Once, he displeased the king by thoughtless saying and was punished to death. He got pardon as his last wish and it was his contemplated action. Thus, uncontemplated action caused death punishment and contemplated action saved his life. The hunter killed his dog thoughtlessly to see his blood-mouthed. Later on, he repented on his action. All these stories bear the importance of thought before action.
          Following are the steps to think before you speak;
1. Observe yourself
2. Recognize your situation
3. Observe the people
4. Formulate the responses
5. Consider the information
6. Gauge the reaction
7. Be thoughtful about your tone
8. Communicate at stage last
          To put in a nut-shell, I say that contemplation and thought precede the speech and the action. We should neither be too contemplative as Hamlet nor be too active as Oedipus. Both of the states must be balanced, proportional and moderated because action without proper thought is futile. Silence sometime becomes gold and sometime becomes crime and hurting as it is said:
                              “Spiteful words can break your feelings
                                 but silence breaks your heart.”
We should avoid hurtful words, criminal silence and drastic leaping into action. If we do not know what we are talking about, we should not try to be convincing. It is okay to express opinion. We should listen more and more and speak less according to this golden proverb:
                             “We are blessed with two ears to hear
                               more and more and one tongue to

  speak less.”
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